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Triple layer mask, washable at 40 ° or in hot water. It is not a personal protective equipment (PPE); It is not a medical device. They can be used when there are no specific needs and when a lower protection is still preferable to no protection *
* Please refer to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. (Http://www.salute.gov.it/nuovocoronavirus).
In accordance with the circular of the Ministry of Health (0003572-P-18/03/2020) which introduces, with reference to article 16, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree March 17, 2020, no. 18, the possibility of using filtering masks by "all individuals present on the national territory, who are however required to comply with the provisions on social distancing and the other precautionary rules introduced in reason for the Covid-19 emergency ". They do not have the technical requirements of medical devices and personal protective equipment.
Cushion 40x40 cm, available in other sizes, also customized.
Cushion 40x40 cm, available in other sizes, also customized.
Tapestry BTR02
Rug TPRL 170X 200 cm on request, also available in other sizes. Please first of all send email to info@lebotteghesugologone.com to check availability. Times of realization of approximately 1 month, necessary advance payment to the order, except for carpets available.
Cushion 50x50 cm, available in other sizes, also customized.
Tray in ceramics
Hand-painted linen placemat, 40x50 cm
Ceramic plates Ø 19cm - Ø 25cm - Ø 28cm
Linen table runner 140x50 cm
Rug TPRL 55X250 cm on request, also available in other sizes. Please first of all send email to info@lebotteghesugologone.com to check availability. Times of realization of approximately 1 month, necessary advance payment to the order, except for carpets available.
Cushion 30x30 cm, available in other sizes, also customized.
Cushion 30x30 cm, available in other sizes, also customized.
Hand-painted bag 25x14 cm
Cushions 80x80 cm
Printed cushion - available in different sizes. Cushion also suitable for outdoors if not directly exposed to the sun.